Reading a cover of Beth Slifer and her Vail interior design business in the Denver Post , I was thrown off by the line " comfortable, functional and timeless with a dollop of opulence." I can deal with the word dollop (but just barely) in recipes, but it's too precious and patronizing to press into use elsewhere. Word fads are addictive. I'm alarmed to see "dollop" cropping up as often as burnt orange colored vehicles on the highway. Last week, emblazoned " Emerging markets will see dollop of fund flows " on its home page. Puleeeze! An interview with the mystery author Dean James described him as " churning out sprightly feel good reads with a heavy dollop of humor and a twist of murder and mayhem." Even the New York Times has fallen for the dippy word. A book interview in today's issue says, "During this visit to Nana Selma, Rayne relives his troubled but nurturing boyhood, and also gets a dollop of histo...